segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2022

The Robotic Ants Manifesto

 The Robotic Ants Manifesto

Ants passed through all historical processes and now they are in a brand new form. Robotic.

Robotic Ants make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. 

Ants are one of the oldest beings on earth. They saw all human history. But they can't describe it. They can't even think about it. Not even sure if Ants saw the historical moments cuz they were too busy working. 

Ants are born into a social system of slavery and oppression that were historically imposed on them throughout their evolution. This system means that from birth certain ants are directed towards certain social classes such as workers, soldiers or queens.

The Robot-Ant is in the most literal sense a political being, not merely a gregarious being, but a being which can individuate itself only in the midst of society. 

A historical and also social being. A being defined by work. We can only be talking about ants. Even these, to be essentially workers, which go through unselected historical processes, need to be robots. These do have their essence at work. They emerge with the sole function of working.

Ants passed through all historical processes and now they are in a brand new form. Robotic. 

"Ants of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your Robotic Apparatus!"

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