terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2022

The Brazilian Zeitgeist: from Festivities to Philosophy



The Brazilian Zeitgeist: from Festivities to Philosophy 


A Quick Parallel Between the History of Brazilian Philosophy and the History of Brazilian Festivities in June 


My intention here is NOT to extend on Brazilian History but rather present you some aspects of Brazilian Thinking based on fragments of history. The fragments should give you the Zeitgeist of the Brazilian culture.

In the intellectual sense we consume, we create but we don't export. 

Brazil is a very fruitful country in literal and metaphorical sense, but to share the intellectual fruits is a privilege that only few countries have. 


  1. Festa Junina 

The Brazilian festivity called Festa Junina (because occurs in June) has its roots in Portugal by the original name Festa Joanina (from the catholic Saint João Batista). It is celebrated from 23 to 24 of June each year. The Portuguese folk brought the festivities altogether with more 2 Saints (St. Antonio {13} and St. Pedro {29}) leading a whole month of festivities and further changing the name to Festa Junina.

At first it was a sacred festivity but with time, it changed its name and its essence, turning out to be more like a PARTY including dances. The Festa Junina dances have influence from the French Noble Dance and are in group with little changes gaining the name of `Quadrilha` (group). In dances we also have the spanish (danca de fitas). 

As the festivities moved throughout the country the terrain, land and population characterized the festivities. One example is the corn which sprouts in abundance in the country specially in June so it became part of festivities in the form of a tribute for abundance. Being popcorn the most notable dish consumed during the party. When it's served or sold in the Church Surroundings it's called Quermesse (from the french language).

When the festivities arrived in south Brazil it was more floucloric than religious, and lost the balloons (used to communicate the start of festivities) and enormous fire pits (tribute to St. João) because of the incendiary risk. But gained characteristics such as clothes and musical instruments, especially from Sao Paulo (midwest) where it became a humoristic way of representing the caipira. 

It is still history so it is still changing. The flouclorical aspect for example the humor on wearing or its changing in camp from cold to hot but nothing compared to Halloween for example that traveled the world. The Brazilian festival is still delimited to Brazilian people only. Turning it to a zeitgeist in the memory of every and only the Brazilian people. 

  1. Brazilian Philosophy 

The Brazilian Philosophy also comes from Europe, more precisely, brought from Portuguese and Spanish Priests. The priest did philosophy by the eyes of the church looking at the native americans. The most important question was: do they (native americans) have Soul? If so, they are Gods creatures and must be evangelized not slaved. The debate was called the Valladolid debate and its conclusion was that yes, the natives have souls and the portuguese church started a campaign sending Priests to Brazil in order to evangelize the natives. It was called Jesuites Mission and they were the first to introduce the Ratio Studiorum into Brazilian lands. They lived in Brazil and produced the first Brazilian Philosophy Thinking.

Later then started the Ensayistica, which was the second wave of philosophy promoted by brazilian erudites. Erudites are thinkers whose focus were other academic branches but made some significant Philosophical Essays. They emerged from different regions of the country.

Already in the academic domains by 1940 the Philosophy University of Sao Paulo brought French philosophers into Brazil with the intentions of teaching the French way of doing philosophy. Increasing French influence in Brazilian philosophy.

After the french influence and a more abrangence of philosophy throughout the territory, just like the Festa Junina. By movements such as integralismo, a systematic attempt to force a nationalism, philosophy 

Even though with all those imprivments the Brazilian Philosophy still restricted to Brazil. Offcouse Brazil has influence in Logic or Pedagogy for example, but still extremely limited. 


  1. Both comes from Europe (Portugal) 

  2. Primarily by Church 

  3. Goes from North Coast to South

  4. French Influence

  5. Gaining its own form based on territory and population

  6. Import and Export

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