quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2018

Vitruvian Man's Hernia Fixed

The Vitruvian Man originally called "the proportions of human body according to Vitruvius" was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1490. But, who was Vitruvius?

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, was born in the Roman Republic by 70 before Christ, who lived 86 years old, approximately, was a Roman thinker. His theories about perfect architecture and human proportions became famous after the Renascence, because of Da Vinci's drawing "Vitruvian Man". Vitruvius original idea was to calculate the male body so he could adapt a house to it. But his ideas in architecture became a reference for artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci.
A 1684 depiction of Vitruvius presenting De Architectura to Augustus:

But was Vitruvian Man perfect? No. Sadly no.
The Vitruvian Man had hernia.
Hernia is caused by the weakening of muscles, resulting in a abnormal exit of tissue or organ.

According to Hutan Ashrafian, a lecturer of surgery at Imperial College London the Vitruvian Man had a hernia...and I quote:
"But in the human lineage, which has been walking upright for a little longer than 4 million years, the weak layers of lower abdominal wall tissue must bear the brunt of our intestinal weight. When a bit of intestine bulges through a thin layer of lower abdominal tissue, a hernia is born"
Ashrafian has a history of writing medical analyses of historical figures or paintings.
And, when we look at the picture we can see clearly that the Vitruvian Man has something really weird in his abdomen. If it is a hernia, then it's an inguinal hernia (which is by far the most common type; up to 75%). And occurs exactly in the place where there's a weird scrawl in the drawing.
My opinion: I doubt if it's really a hernia...I don't think that Da Vinci, who was one of the greatests human anatomy researcher of his time, would draw or choose a model who had such an obviously disease. Because his intention was to draw The Perfect Man by Vitruvian's perspective.
Also: I fixed the Vitruvian Man Hernia.
Vitruvian Man's Hernia:

Vitruvian Man's Hernia fixed (with no hernia) 

Vitruvian Man without hernia looks pretty perfect. 

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