quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

The Ghostface is based on The Scream painting by Edvard Munch

The Ghostface is based on The Scream.
The Scream is a painting by Edvard Munch. The painting represents a man (himself) desesperatly screaming. The painting shows a man not only screaming, but fearing, crying and sorryng at the same time. Completely frantic.
The Ghostface is a fictional character who uses a mask based on the painting The Scream. The character is a murderer of the movies serie Scream. The mask was designed by Fun World during the Halloween season. Specifically, Marianne Maddalena, found the mask while inside a house during location scouting for the film and brought it to the attention of Craven, who set about trying to obtain the rights to use it. The director Torbert was given the task of naming the mask, deciding on "GhostFace". Torbert felt it looked like a "ghost in pain", believing it to be a unique design. The Ghostface design and title are owned by Fun World. Since the appearance of Ghostface in Scream, the costume has become the most worn and sold costume for Halloween in the United States. Most people thinks that the Ghostface can kill you, but he can't. The only harm that he can do is earrape.
A picture of Edvard Munch (The Scream) using Ghostface mask (made by my):

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