quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018

Conto: Segredo de Cafeteria

Minha professora de português passou a tarefa de escrever um poema sobre um tema de minha preferência. Já que sou um procastinador nato, me atrasei pra escrever. Não sobrando outra opção, tive que me basear em outro conto, escrito por outro aluno de outra escola.

Em comum entre os dois contos: o local (cafeteria) a presença de um amigo, e uma carta.

   Segredo de Cafeteria

Posso sentir o cheirinho de café logo pela manhã. Lembro-me de ouvir a conversa das pessoas enquanto esperava. Esperava por algo, ainda não sabia o que era, mas eu esperava. Talvez uma mulher, uma dessas que usam roupa de academia, ou talvez uma paixão, dessas que preenchem a alma. 
Sentado perto da porta, sempre conseguia ver as pessoas entrarem e sairem da cafeteria. Eu tenho o incrível dom de me apaixonar instantemente por todas mulheres que vejo. Mas entre todas que entravam na acafeteria, só um entrou em minha vida. Viu que meu café já tinha acabado, e pagou um café pra mim. Como ousa, um homem pagar café pra outro homem? Deixando de lado os preconceitos, perguntei o nome dele... Artur...
Não demorou muito pra eu perceber sua tristeza. Ele era vazio por dentro. Andava por aí igual aqueles fantasmas, se tirássemos o lençol, não haveria nada dentro.
Talvez eu devesse ser amigo dele, fazer companhia, tirá-lo da solidão. 
Nunca combinamos nada, mas parecia combinado: todos os dias, as 8:30 da manhã, íamos nós dois pra cafeteria. Nas manhãs mais alegres, ele comprava café quente e conversava até esfriar, depois tomava gelado. "Quem não gosta de café gelado, não sabe o que é gostar de café" dizia ele. Nas manhãs tristes, bebia chá e falava de amor. Mas durante as tardes, noites e madrugadas eu não falava com ele, nem sabia seu paradeiro. Era um mistério. 
Até aqui, você já deve ter percebido que estou conjulgando os verbos no passado...pois sim, algo trágico aconteceu. Ele ficou no passado. Ele virou passado. Mas talvez meu erro seja pensar mais no passado do que no presente...tudo que tenho agora é o presente, o mais simples presente que alguém pode deixar: uma carta. Quem, na era da internet, ainda escreve cartas? De qualquer forma, é melhor eu abrir, pois só escrevemos em cartas aquilo que é ruím demais pra se dizer pessoalmente.
Já com a carta aberta em minhas mãos, tive certeza que era dele. Existe algo mágico quando se abre uma carta, é como se eu vesse ele refletido em sua própria caligrafia, em suas letras tortas e incompreensíveis. E assim, mesmo sem nunca ter visto a letra dele, mesmo sendo uma carta sem selo, pude sentir que ele a escreveu.
Uma carta pequena, de cinco palavras apenas. Estas palavras, que juntas formavam um Segredo, um segredo que deve ser seguido todas as manhãs, com o máximo de pessoas diferentes possíveis. O segredo que ele já seguia, mas deixou de seguir quando me conheceu e isso o matou. Um segredo barato e escuro, mas que exige coragem. Um segredo de cafeteria. 
"Pague um Café pra alguém". 

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

The Ghostface is based on The Scream painting by Edvard Munch

The Ghostface is based on The Scream.
The Scream is a painting by Edvard Munch. The painting represents a man (himself) desesperatly screaming. The painting shows a man not only screaming, but fearing, crying and sorryng at the same time. Completely frantic.
The Ghostface is a fictional character who uses a mask based on the painting The Scream. The character is a murderer of the movies serie Scream. The mask was designed by Fun World during the Halloween season. Specifically, Marianne Maddalena, found the mask while inside a house during location scouting for the film and brought it to the attention of Craven, who set about trying to obtain the rights to use it. The director Torbert was given the task of naming the mask, deciding on "GhostFace". Torbert felt it looked like a "ghost in pain", believing it to be a unique design. The Ghostface design and title are owned by Fun World. Since the appearance of Ghostface in Scream, the costume has become the most worn and sold costume for Halloween in the United States. Most people thinks that the Ghostface can kill you, but he can't. The only harm that he can do is earrape.
A picture of Edvard Munch (The Scream) using Ghostface mask (made by my):

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2018

The "beauty mask" applied to Vitruvian Man (Marquardt mask based on Golden Ratio)

The Vitruvian Man, originally called "the proportions of human body according to Vitruvius" was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, in 1490. But, who was Vitruvius?

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who lived 86 years old, approximately, was a Roman thinker. His theories about perfect architecture and human proportions became famous after the Renascence, because of Da Vinci's drawing "Vitruvian Man". Vitruvius original idea was to calculate the male body so he could adapt a house to it. But his ideas in architecture became a reference for artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci.
But is Vitruvian Man perfect? No. Sadly no.
I've already made a video about Vitruvian Man's Hernia, and my opinion about it. Now, let's try to find the perfectness or not, of Vitruvian Man using Golden Ratio. I'll use the Marquardt mask on his face, and the pure golden ratio on his entire body.
What's Golden Ratio?
The Golden Ratio (Phi) is a mathematical concept, that has being used since the ancient greeks as a parameter of beauty and aesthetic. To find the Golden Ratio of something, you need to sum two quantities, and divide the bigger quantity by the smaller quantity. It can be applied to anything, from the Egyptians Pyramids to little flowers.
What's Marquardt Mask?
Dr. Stephen R. Marquardt created a mask based on his experience (more than 20 years as surgeon) and math. He used decagons, triangles, pentagons and line directions. The mask can be applied on all faces, of all colour, race and ethnicity. But, some presents the male version and female version.
Did Da Vinci used Golden Ratio?
There's no evidence that Da Vinci used the Golden Ratio, but we can clearly find the Golden Ratio in his paintings.

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2018

Vitruvian Man's Hernia Fixed

The Vitruvian Man originally called "the proportions of human body according to Vitruvius" was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1490. But, who was Vitruvius?

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, was born in the Roman Republic by 70 before Christ, who lived 86 years old, approximately, was a Roman thinker. His theories about perfect architecture and human proportions became famous after the Renascence, because of Da Vinci's drawing "Vitruvian Man". Vitruvius original idea was to calculate the male body so he could adapt a house to it. But his ideas in architecture became a reference for artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci.
A 1684 depiction of Vitruvius presenting De Architectura to Augustus:

But was Vitruvian Man perfect? No. Sadly no.
The Vitruvian Man had hernia.
Hernia is caused by the weakening of muscles, resulting in a abnormal exit of tissue or organ.

According to Hutan Ashrafian, a lecturer of surgery at Imperial College London the Vitruvian Man had a hernia...and I quote:
"But in the human lineage, which has been walking upright for a little longer than 4 million years, the weak layers of lower abdominal wall tissue must bear the brunt of our intestinal weight. When a bit of intestine bulges through a thin layer of lower abdominal tissue, a hernia is born"
Ashrafian has a history of writing medical analyses of historical figures or paintings.
And, when we look at the picture we can see clearly that the Vitruvian Man has something really weird in his abdomen. If it is a hernia, then it's an inguinal hernia (which is by far the most common type; up to 75%). And occurs exactly in the place where there's a weird scrawl in the drawing.
My opinion: I doubt if it's really a hernia...I don't think that Da Vinci, who was one of the greatests human anatomy researcher of his time, would draw or choose a model who had such an obviously disease. Because his intention was to draw The Perfect Man by Vitruvian's perspective.
Also: I fixed the Vitruvian Man Hernia.
Vitruvian Man's Hernia:

Vitruvian Man's Hernia fixed (with no hernia) 

Vitruvian Man without hernia looks pretty perfect.